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A Lingerie Buying Guide for Men: How to Buy Lingerie
Hello, boys. (A wasted Gossard reference.) You probably haven’t been here before, so in that case, welcome. I assume you’re here because you’ve decided that now’s the time to buy...
I don’t know about you, but I love a bit of history. I especially love it when it's lingerie-related. Have you ever wondered who invented the bra? Well, wonder no...
It’s December. It’s Christmas. Inevitable panic. Don’t panic. You've got me. I want to do the most for you this Christmas, which is why I’ve put together ANOTHER post on...
Planning Your New Year's Eve Outfit Around Your Lingerie
I’m back with even more ideas for the festive season… Only this time, we’re moving onto New Year's Eve. Or, more importantly, your New Year’s Eve outfit. By this point, Christmas...
I know what you’re thinking and I know that we haven't even made it through Christmas yet. Whilst you’re absolutely right (I haven’t finished my Christmas shopping), there’s nothing wrong...